Websites are digital expressions

How I like to work

Clear communication and preparation is key to a fun and successful website project. 

Desirable outcomes

My determination is to achieve the "WOW" effect from the client. My goal is to impress you and ensure that you love your website. 

Assingment duration

A website is not just the outside layer surrounding the business. It is the business. Good websites generate business. Thus, it is paramount that we determine a fixed time scope where time, cost and energy is put into this. It helps if the client is available and is honest in giving quick feedback. A CMS website can be built over 2 working days. But that depends on the amount of content available. I work full-time so website development is done outside of normal working hours or on my designated free Friday that I take every two weeks. 

My advice

Quick: 4 days 

Longer: 10 days